Doing Good to Others


If we held a poll today, do you think most would say they believe American’s are angrier today than they were a year ago or three years ago? Those who study this subject say it’s true. And they cite three major reasons. The pandemic, social injustice, and financial instability. Then add in the millions who have become unsatisfied with our big government, and their distrust of the media, the wedge grows even wider.

If that is true, I’d assume you and I don’t have to look too far to have experienced someone who seems out of control. It could be we don’t have to look any further than the mirror.  Maybe it’s you and me that have become angrier.

So, what is the church to do? I believe the first thing we can do is to recognize that there is a problem and an even greater opportunity. When the world grows darker, it’s time for Christians to shine brighter. But how do we do that? I’d like to suggest we begin by modeling the love of Christ. In Galatians 6:10 it says, “Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith”.

Let’s examine ourselves and see if we are the People of God who truly take capture every opportunity to do good to everyone. Especially to those who love God. Do we actually think about how we can help others. Do we ask God to show us how we can be an encouragement to others.

Let me ask you, when is the last time you purposely went out of your way to do good for someone? I’m not talking about when you were volunteered by someone else. Nor when you were backed into a corner and couldn’t find a way out. I mean, when was the last time you purposely sat down and planned away to do good for someone. Now is the time for action. The world needs you and me. Remember, the fields are ripe unto harvest.

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