Turning Water Into WIne

Why is the first recorded miracle of Jesus’ public ministry turning water into wine? Wouldn’t it be more impressive to record that Jesus raised someone from the dead? Yea, that’s what I would have done. Make it something really flashy. Something no one could doubt. This is even more interesting when we consider that Jesus did many other signs that are not recorded in the bible. John 20:30. Out of all of the signs and wonders that Jesus performs in his ministry, John decides to go with turning water into wine. Why? There has to be something of great significance in order for John to do this.

There are many observations we could make.  One of them being, how God cares about the seemingly unimportant people of our society. In this story there is an unknown man and woman. Being married in a small, relatively unimportant city. The miracle took place where only the disciples and the servants witnessed it. There was no abracadabra, hocus pocus.  No large crowds, just his disciples and the servants. And all Jesus says, is fill the six water pots with water. That doesn’t even seem to fit the problem.  Didn’t Jesus understand we don’t need water. We need wine.

So why this miracle John? I believe because this miracle shows the transformative power of God. God takes the ordinary element of odorless and tasteless water and transforms it into something with an aroma and taste. And he does it with the spoken word. “Fill the pots to the brim with water.”  Now take it to the head servant and let him taste it. And what does the master of the ceremony say, “but you have saved the best till now.” John 2:10.

God takes something that seems ordinary (water) and transforms it into life. Just as he did in the garden when he took dirt and formed man and then breathed life into his nostrils. Genesis 2:7. God’s transforming power, can take sinners and turn them into saints. For all those who are in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Friends, I hope you can see that this miracle is much more than changing water into wine. It is about God giving life to all those who believe in the Son and his transforming power. And the best news is, you haven’t seen anything yet. The best is yet to come when the groom (Jesus) returns to gather his bride.