

In Colossians 3:13 Christians are told “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

Forgiveness is neither easy nor clear-cut, as many of us have found out when we are deeply hurt. I have experienced murder in my family. It is hard thing to forgive the person who took the life of your loved one. I have been abandoned by some, laughed at by others and sold short by others. Many of you have experienced the same or worse.

Why does God command that we forgive others. If you know anything about God, it’s for our benefit. God only wants the best for you and me. I believe one reason is, because without forgiveness you can never be fully free.  Hatred is of the devil. So, you will either choose to serve the devil or your heavenly father. The bible is clear, no man can serve two masters.

If you allow anger to build up inside of you, your enemy the devil has won. Your anger will turn to hatred, and as a result, all of humanity loses. The way a society goes will be determined largely by the grace it offers.

Forgiveness is the required step to a grace filled life.  Does this mean we forget. No. Does this mean what they did was ok. Absolutely not. Does this mean we should seek their release from prison. No.

In his book The Prisoner and the Bomb, Laurens van der Post recounts the misery of his wartime experiences in a Japanese prison camp in Java.   He writes, “The only hope for the future lay in an all-embracing attitude of forgiveness of the peoples who had been our enemies. Forgiveness, my prison experience had taught me, was not mere religious sentimentality; it was as fundamental a law of the human spirit as the law of gravity. If one broke the law of gravity one broke one’s neck; if one broke this law of forgiveness, one inflicted a mortal wound on one’s spirit and became once again a member of the chain-gang of mere cause and effect from which life has labored so long and painfully to escape.”

Why is our society so full of anger, and hatred? Why do we seem so divided? Could a large part of it be due to the lack of our willingness to forgive. Forgiveness does not come to us easily. We must work at it. It is a choice we must learn to make as painful as it can be.  We have to see the necessity of it for the greater good of society. A society that doesn’t practice grace is a society that is doomed to fail.  If the church wants to make an impact on the world, it must learn to practice forgiveness. How many of our churches have split over refusal to forgive.  Where did that practice come from?  I can surely say it did not come from God. For he commanded us to forgive. His Son dying words from the cross were “Father Forgive them”.

Will you take a step today to practice a grace filled life. A life of forgiveness. Ask God today to help you forgive. Lord, please forgive me when I allow anger and bitterness to fill my heart when I refuse to forgive someone who has hurt me. Teach me Lord to forgive as you have forgiven me.

The Grace of God

The mediate source of grace flowing from the Father’s throne is the Son of God, Christ Jesus (Rom. 1:5). Our assurance that divine grace will be extended to all men (Titus 2:11-12) is evidenced both prophetically and by promise (1 Peter 1:10; Zech. 12:10). The grace of God serves distinct and wonderful purposes, including our personal salvation (Eph. 2:8), our justification (Rom. 3:24), our receipt of the imputation of righteousness (Rom. 5:15-17), our sufficiency in all things (2 Cor. 9:8), our abounding to every good work (2 Cor. 9:8), and our receipt of the gift of eternal life (Rom. 5:20-21).

Knowing that such wonderful blessings flow from the grace of God, we must endeavor to access the Father’s grace by personal faith (Rom. 5:1-2) working in harmony with the Abrahamic promise (Rom. 4:16), the expressed Word of God (Rom. 10:17) and the calling of God (2 Tim. 1:9; 2 Thess. 2:14) in association with the Word. Because of the importance of these issues, we must remember that grace is always in harmony with truth (Col. 1:3-6) and it requires obedience of faith (Rom. 5:21; 6:16-18). Meritorious works have no role to play in the Father’s system of redemption (Rom. 11:6). Our efforts to safeguard our standing in the grace of God is essential because we can so conduct ourselves so as to no longer be in the grace of God (Gal. 5:4).

Biblical motivation to continue in the grace of God by God-approved means includes our desire to escape the dominion of sin (Rom. 6:14), our desire to be a member of the elect of God (Rom. 11:5), our desire to be blessed with spiritual gifts (Eph. 3:8), our desire to maintain our hope (2 Thess. 2:16-17), and our desire to be the recipient of all the expressed purposes of the grace of God. The Father’s grace is surely worth our full personal dedication to all that the grace of God demands.

How readily do you accept gifts from others?

I read an article some time back (on a blog that doesn’t exist anymore), and it got me thinking about a fairly common practice. Let me ask you this: When someone offers to do something nice for you or to give you something, what’s your first response? If you’re out to dinner with a friend, and she picks up the check, do you argue about it or do you accept her generosity? What would you do if you were sick, and you heard a neighbor mowing your lawn? You’d probably offer to pay him for the trouble, which is fine, but what if he refused? Do you insist (and keep on insisting) that he accept payment, or do you thank him for his gracious gift of kindness?

…salvation itself is a gift; Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us that

I think many, if not most, of us react in those situations with feelings of shame or embarrassment — “I should be doing things like this more often.” Some of us react with the attitude of “You don’t have to do that.” And you know what? Those feelings are exactly right. As Christians, we should be known for our acts of kindness. Of course your friend didn’t have to mow your lawn. That’s why it’s called a gift. Gifts, by definition, are things we don’t deserve.

I contend if we have trouble accepting gifts and kind deeds from our friends & neighbors, we have the same difficulty accepting these things from our Heavenly Father. Indeed, salvation itself is a gift; Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us that. So often though, we quote those 2 verses and leave out verse 10: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Consider this:

  • We are created to do good works. (Ephesians 2:10 – By the way, any scripture references you see in any of our articles here, if you hover the mouse pointer over them, you can read the verse in a popup. If you click, it will open in a new tab.)
  • We glorify our Father when we do so. (Matthew 5:16)
  • Thus, when you fail to accept a gracious gift from someone, you prevent him or her from fulfilling the purpose for which we were all created! You prevent others from glorifying God.

What do you think?

What do you rely on?

This is a question that popped into my head yesterday. With all the cold weather around the country, it should be no surprise that we got our share. The snow was nice to see and it was exciting for our young son to experience it for the first time. However, troubles come with snow most of the time. It is always a possibility that power may go out when the weather gets bad enough. Sure enough, we lost power sometime in the middle of the night. This is not something we haven’t dealt with before though. My wife and I have lost power before but this time seemed very different. It was the first time that we went without power with a baby in the house. It made me realize just how much we needed that electricity. If it was just us, we could have managed the cold. Our son has needs that only the electricity could supply. He doesn’t understand how to keep himself bundled up for warmth when the temperatures are freezing. Luckily, he will drink cold milk but it is definitely not his preference. All that to say, we rely on the ability to flip a switch and have power at our fingertips more than we ever realized.

It made me think though, do I rely on God and Jesus this much? Are they so important to our everyday lives that without them our days grow difficult or even unbearable? The truth is, we must rely on God and Jesus that much. Without them there would be nothing, no life, no you or me. “In the beginning God (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). You can continue reading on from there and see God go on to create all aspects of life including people. If you look at John 1:1 and following you would see that Jesus was there at the beginning with God as the Word that helped to create all things and continues to hold all things together. Unfortunately, after we were created, like bad weather causing problems, sin was brought into the world by going against what God commanded. This continues today whenever we choose to go against God. Because of our sin we are separated from the one who we need the most. Luckily for us, this is not the end of the story.

Insert God’s love here. If we look further into the gospel of John, we get to the famous passage John 3:16. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” This is not the only passage we should know, but it does give us an idea about why we need to rely on God and Jesus so much. God loves us enough to show us grace and mercy. Mercy because we deserve punishment that He is willing to forego. Grace because He is willing to also bless us with a gift that we don’t deserve and could never earn in spite of our sin. But the only way we could be blessed in either of these ways is because He was willing to allow His Son (Jesus) to die for our sins and it is our belief, trust, and obedience to Him that affords us the blessings of His sacrifice.

So, what do you rely on? Is it the amount of money in the bank? Is it the job that pays the money? Is it the car that gets you to the job? Is it your family that takes care of you? Is it the government that provides what you need? The truth, however sad it may seem to be, is that all of those thing like electricity could be gone. And they may never come back. Nothing on this earth will last forever or ultimately be reliable. God and His Son are the only truly reliable sources that you will ever find. They were here at the beginning and the will continue after the earth is no more. Don’t take them for granted like electricity. A day is coming when the light switch of life will no longer work. When that day comes it will be too late to start believing and relying on them. If you have a desire not to perish and have eternal life, than choose to rely on Jesus today. It is those that believe and follow Him that have blessings from God that are necessary for eternal life.