The Ideal Congregation (Pt. 2)

The ideal congregation hungers and thirsts after righteousness.  Jesus said, “Blessed are they that  hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they shall be filled” (Mt.5:6).  The security of the blessing pronounced resides in the security of Jesus’ promise that each one so hungering and thirsting shall be filled.  The providential care of our Lord assists in bringing this promise unto fulfillment.  Such is truly a wonderful promise, knowing that if we pursue righteousness as we ought, the Lord has given his word that our spiritual appetite for righteousness will be satisfied.

The righteousness spoken of here involves the divine plan of righteousness that results in a personal verdict of righteousness.  This righteousness is nothing less than that which is in accord with the norm and standard of right, the objective revelation of the word of God.  To hunger and thirst after righteousness suggests a deep-seated craving which compels one to go to great lengths to fulfill its demands.  Invariably, one thus becomes a diligent student of the word (ref. Acts 17:11).  May we be emboldened to trust in the Lord’s promise and thus be motivated to hunger and thirst after righteous- ness as we have never done before!

The ideal congregation desires to be all that one can be, individually and congregationally.  The apostle Peter exhorted first century Christians to “add to your faith virtue; and to virtue  knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness charity” (2 Pet.1:5-7).  When obeyed, this exhortation assists in developing full maturity in both attitude and daily living.

Fulfilled maturity requires one to seek to live up to his potential.  The parable of the talents (Mt.25:14-30) illustrates the necessity and the value of so doing while demonstrating the danger of personal failure.  The example of the poor widow who gave all her living to the treasury (Mk.12:41-43) deserves our consideration and imitation.  She truly fulfilled her individual potential.  Additionally, we will not be content with past achievements, either individually or as a congregation, if we hope to reach full maturity.  Paul remembered his past while properly relating to his past and the future (Phil.3:13-14).  He pressed on!  As we seek to be all that we can be, let us do so courageously with unyielding and confident faith, being servants of both God the Father and those about us (Romans 6).

These are just a couple more aspects to consider about the ideal congregation. Next week I’ll pose a couple more for all of us to chew on. May God be with us and bless us all on our Christian journey!

Goodness like God

“And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth,” – Ex. 34:6

As we mature in our faith, we want to become more and more like the God we serve. Exodus 34:6 shows us many of God’s attributes that we should strive for as best we can, such as goodness and truth. Paul also teaches us about goodness and truth in Romans 15:14, noting the people in Rome “also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able to admonish one another.”

It is interesting to note that Paul mentions they are full of goodness before he says they are able to admonish one another. This teaches us a pretty important lesson. We are often quick to notice and point out the flaws or sins in someone else’s life. But if we do this without the right spirit (being full of goodness), we will simply pepper them with harsh words that can offend much more than help. When we approach people with a self-righteous and judgmental attitude, they may choose not to hear what we say because of how we say it. If our attempts to correct others begin with our desire to look smarter or godlier, then we are not helping anyone at all.

However, if we are maturing in our faith and becoming more like God, we will be growing in goodness. And when we are full of goodness, our motives in helping others will be pure. The point won’t be how smart we are; the point will be how God may  use us to help another person. And the other person will be more likely to listen to what we have to say, if they can tell it is coming from good intention and love.

Being full of goodness means loving God with all your heart and letting His love and mercy fill your entire life. When you’re full of God’s goodness, it will begin to overflow and have a positive effect on everyone around you. And when others are touched by this godly goodness, they may want to find out where it came from. Then they too can meet the God of goodness who can changer their lives forever. It can all start with you!